
LAS Learn Apply Spread is a project, leaded by GUS and funded by Erasmus+ Programme KA3 – Support for policy reform, Action Type KA347 – Dialogue between young people and policy makers.


September 2018 | September 2019


Europe is increasingly crossed by phenomenon of intolerance, xenophobia and islamophobia that lead to violence. It is important to start with alternative narratives (to dismantle and replace hateful narratives) that place young people, migrants and not, at the center of change.

Learn, Apply, Spread: three steps to create the basis for a common European feelings and awareness, through knowledge and understanding.


40 youngsters with different background will reflect together with the political decision-makers on the themes of racism, inclusion and respect for rights.

The young people involved will come from Italy and Spain, countries with a long tradition of migration and countries that have to face daily with the reception and integration issues connected to recent migratory flows and to the role of the new European citizens with a migrant background (e.g. second generation).

The project will also involve young Tunisians who see Europe from the another shore of the Mediterranean and, for this reason, will bring a different vision of a possible social inclusion in Europe.


L.A.S.  is framed into three main activities:

  1. LEARN: GUS will present in detail to all the partnersthe good practices of the AS.Y.LUM project (funded by Erasmus+ KA3) and its innovative participatory approaches.
  2. APPLY: first transnational event that will take place in Spain. Where young people and decision makers will question themselves about the issue of participation, migration and the role of Europe in the process of inclusion and social cohesion.
    A survey will be structured and will disseminated in the schools. The survey’s results will be presented during the SPREAD event in Italy.
  3. SPREAD: A final transnational event where N. 40 young people will meet up with the political decision-makers to sum up their experience and try to lay the foundations for new projects of integration and participation.


The methodology of the project L.A.S. is based on the fundamental principles of non-formal education. An essential element of the methodology is based on the holistic nature of the learning experience, through methods that involve not only cognitive or intellectual approaches but also covering the emotional and attitudinal ones.



Survey Analysis:

The online survey entitled “Youth, Migration and Inclusion” was aimed at girls and boys, between 16 and 30 years old, in three countries: Italy, Tunisia and Spain. The survey was a structured questionnaire with 38 questions divided into seven thematic sections.

While the first section was focused on sample’s data (Sex, Year of birth, Country of residence, Citizen-ship, Occupation, Education); the following six sections investigated the specific project clusters: Youth, Structured Dialogue, Gender, Social Media, Social Inclusion, Identity.

To facilitate its compilation and to ensure its widest dis- semination, the survey was translated into English to be disseminated in Italy and Tunisia, and into Spanish. A total of 649 young people answered to the survey: 223 in English and 426 in Spanish.


Despite national differences, all the participants recog- nized some common critical factors in both national and European context such as:

  • A formal and not social-oriented educational system that doesn’t keep up with youths’ needs;
  • Existing and urgent gap within the family-school relationship;
  • Lack of commitment from governments to valuing the diversity in society;
  • Slight allocation of resources to involve young people in decision-making and thus to engage them as active citizens;
  • Lack of non-formal spaces to foster intercultural socialization;
  • Lack of a real structured dialogue with youths;

Final Report 2019 LAS

Photo & Video report

Final Meeting

May 8/10 2019 Alezio (Italy)


First Meeting

November 26/30 2018 Burgos (Spain)